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Curbside Pickup with Amateur Hour

For this week on Amateur Hour with [REDACTED], I decided to try out the curbside delivery option at Elevated Roots.

Despite my newbie status, I’ve enjoyed the privilege of knowing the folks in the store, which has eased my stress considerably.  But this week — in order to try out a recommendation from Rahul, our Director of Operations (and one from Bobby) — I decided to order in advance.

I was surprised how simple it was.  There were two options, which I didn’t realize beforehand.

One option was to register your account and enter your information.  I had sort of planned on this option, but I filled things out too quickly and inadvertently discovered that you can simply pre-order with limited contact information and then just pay in-store.  I thought that was a really sweet option to have.

It was also nice that you could wait in a curbside pick-up spot, or just head on inside to pay at the register.

All-in-all it was a great option for minimizing the time in the store, be it scheduling or a reluctance to bump into acquaintances.

So, check it out.  You can start and order by clicking right here.

‘Til next time, happy dispensary-ing!

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